Download the best dota hotkeys for you. Used by more than 8000 dota players per day. Standard and the best dota hotkeys for you. With quick chat for dota commands and modes. With show ally HP / enemy HP and disable Windows key. Hotkeys commands: Alt + Q = numpad 7. Alt + W = numpad 8. Alt + A = numpad 4. Alt + S = numpad 5. Alt + Z = numpad 1. DotA 2 Settings. DotA 2 settings are divided into three main categories. Hotkeys, gameplay parameters, and graphics/sound. There will be a small description of what you will encounter by going into the game settings. General Settings. Setup options – the second tab in the settings menu. It consists of a game, mini-card, camera, profile. Refine your Dota 2 gaming to a new level with Team Dignitas' latest publication on setting up your hotkeys and macros. The brief but informative article by Dignitas' Derek Gutierrez details all you need to know to get the best out of your Dota 2 settings. Items: 1, 2, 3, z, x, c Skills: 1. F(Ultimate ) as it is not in a row with other skills and reduces to the probability of using it when I don't want to. Dota 2's console is an immensely powerful tool. Using it properly is as important as picking the best Dota 2 heroes in terms of improving your chances of victory and keeping your enemies on the.
After writing my 'Advanced solo mid guide' I've received a lot of questions about hotkeys. People wanted to know how to choose them, which settings are the best and what hotkeys I use myself. To answer all of them, here's a short guide to choosing your hotkeys:
As I said previously, I'm a big fan of optimising and making your play more efficient. But how can you be efficient when you keep missclicking spells and items or not hitting hotkeys that are too spread out? Yes, you can't.
I'll state this clear: i will NOT tell you what hotkeys you should use, if you feel comfortable with legacy hotkeys where spells have their own hotkeys scattered all over the keyboard, go for it. I WILL tell you though some general rules you could follow, and how I discovered my ideal combination.
To start off, there are 4 most common hotkey settings:
4. Legacy
As you can see you can manually select your favorite hotkey setting from the list in DotA 2 options:
If you're not a DotA veteran, I strongly suggest using the 1, 2 or 3 combination. Legacy hotkeys are for people that are so used to hotkeys from W3 DotA that it would be simply too hard for them to convert to any of above combinations.
Now, to the more advanced things:
Most of the people set their hotkeys to their hero spells and inventory, and that's it.
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In my opinion, if you want to play better and waste less time, you SHOULD have hotkeys for:
1. Quickbuy – allows you to buy an item that you 'shift queued' instantly. Insanely useful when waiting for important items like bottle.
2. Purchase sticky – In your settings you can select one item that can be bought after pressing this hotkey. The most useful one is probably tp scroll.
3. Control groups – at least 3
4. Courier, all courier commands – tick 'mirror hero hotkeys' in your settings
5. 'Missing' – message to allies, really useful in pubs
6. Binded camera position hotkeys (rune spots)
7. Scoreboard – for constantly checking enemy levels
8. Shop – no further explanation needed
9. Show names/hero icons on minimap (default alt)
10. Commands: stop, hold position, move
11. Glyph
Other general hotkey rules:
- Have hotkey for EVERY inventory slot. As you progress in skill as a player you'll notice that situations where you have 6 active items in your inventory are really common and not having one of them binded proves to be a serious disadvantage.
- Avoid using alt or ctrl+hotkey for inventory hotkeys, this makes things really hard when trying to play heroes like tinker effectively.
- Start putting items into the same slot every game. That way you'll never have to look at your inventory before casting a tp scroll or magic wand. For me TP is always at G and wand at E.
- Do not put items that require extremely fast reaction on slots that are somehow harder to access and/or require you to change position of your hard before using. Example: blink dagger is way more effective on 'Q' than on 'Space'.
- If you think you have all your hotkeys mastered and there's nothing you can improve on – turn on 'Shop always uses hotkeys' setting on. Memorizing all the shop hotkeys brings your mechanics to a next level, allowing you to do flashy plays like upgrading the courier with 2 button as someone dives to kill it.
- Do NOT be afraid of changing your hotkeys to something more efficient. For example I've always had my hero on '1' and courier on '2'. Then, when i decided to play meepo my control groups could only start from '3'. That made me missmicro a lot by accidentally selecting the courier. I decided to change the hotkey to ' ` ', it took me well over 3 weeks of missclicking and never getting my items delivered but when I learned it, it helped my play immensely. Think of it as of performing a somersault. If you fall on the ground first time doing it, it doesnt mean you shouldn't do this at all. It's just a matter of practice.
When changing hotkeys you know you're gonna fail a lot, but what matters is the final result – you playing faster and more effectively.
For those unfamiliar with camera binding, the commands are:
Top Rune –
// Top Rune
bind 'F4' 'dota_camera_set_lookatpos -2287 1817'
Bottom Rune –
// Bot Rune
bind 'F5' 'dota_camera_set_lookatpos 2990 -2400″
This site may change ' <- this symbol to ″<- this and the command won't work. Make sure you change your quotation marks back to normal before you put these commands into console.
What hotkeys do I use?
I started playing DotA quite a few years ago so I used to use legacy hotkeys. I weren't really comfortable with them on some of the heroes so I installed 'W3 keys' – a program that would allow you to change your hotkeys to any custom combination. I'm not entirely sure why, but I've chosen ZXCV and I'm happy with them.
My hotkeys:
Spells: ZXCV, D and F for additional spells. Autocast modifier: Alt+spell hotkey
Inventory: Q, W, E, G, Space, Mouse4
Quickbuy: F1
Purchase sticky: F2
Take items from stash: F3
Enemy missing: F4
Runespot top: F5
Runespot bot: F6
Select courier: ` [courier actions set to use ZXCVDF too]
Select hero: 1
Control groups: 2, 3, 4, 5
Scoreboard: 6
Shop: N
Commands: Attack move – A, Move – R, Hold position – U, Stop – S
Glyph: L
That's it for today. I hope my post answered at least some of your questions : )
I would also like to thank everyone commenting and reading my guide to solo mid. The amount of positive feedback I received – both from pro and casual players is overwhelming.
Usually, it is quite hard to make the guide interesting. Most heroes are very alike, they don't have any significant differences between one another. Well, today's guide is not like the others.
Today we will talk about Broodmother, the hero, who is very popular among boosters. We will not only describe the special gameplay of this hero but will also talk about some tricks and even game-breaking bugs, which will help you to use this hero to its fullest potential.
This hero has helped me to get very important victories during the latest calibration, even in games against Zai, 33, Qojqva, Insania and Gorgc(id: 5032215245) and almost full Gambit Gaming roster with the addition of Nikobaby(id: 5032289341).
If you follow our guides, you know that the in-game guide is already waiting for you. Subscribe to be able to use it in your games!
Table of contents
Dota 2 Hotkey Setup
Well… here comes the new paragraph. As we make a guide for a hero, who has to control many units, the first thing we need to do is to set up all the necessary hotkeys to control these units easily and effectively.
So, firstly, open the settings and set up hotkeys for the control groups.
Then start the custom lobby, pick Broodmother and create both Spiderlings and Spiderites. Select one or more Spiderlings and press ‘Ctrl' + one of the hotkeys you selected for a control group. Then do the same for Spiderites, but use another control group. That's it. Next time you join the game and pick Broodmother, you will be able to select all the Spiderites or all the Spiderlings by only pressing one of the selected hotkeys.
Why is that necessary? The answer is very simple - HP difference. Many heroes in Dota 2 have AoE spells, this is why when you attack that hero with Spiders, firstly you want to attack him with Spiderlings exclusively, as they will not die because of the amount of their health. Then, once the opponent has used his AoE spell, you can bring Spiderites as well. This logic also works for the creeps in the jungle with AoE spells.
Then move into the advanced settings and set up a hotkey for a ‘Select All Other Units'. It will help you to select all the spiders without selecting your hero.
Early-stage of the game(-1:30-12:00)
Once the game starts, you should move to the middle lane and place two Spin Webs.
In case you are going to lane against a hero, who is considered being one of the counters to Broodmother, then you should place one web to cover your highground and some area behind your Tower and the second one to cover the enemy high ground. In case you are going to lane against a weaker hero, do it the other way around.
The reasoning behind it is very simple. If you lane against a hero, who can deal AoE damage, he will constantly push the lane onto you, so you need that space behind your tower to farm comfortably. If the enemy hero is not able to push the lane, then you need an additional space behind the enemy tower to apply more pressure on this hero.
Place them that way, so you can move between them without losing Spin Web buff.
Once you reach level 2, you should learn Spawn Spiderlings and use this spell as often as you can to create an army of Spiderlings and eventually Spiderites. In case you lane against a hero, who can kill spiders easily, such as Templar Assassin, you need to be very careful to keep Spiderlings alive. Use the Spiderlings to last-hit only when it is safe and your opponent can't kill them.
By the time you reach level 4, you should already have a small army of spiders. Get level 2 Spin Web and use it to create a path to nearest jungle camps. Now is the time you start farming both lane and your jungle.
Same goes for level 6. With 3 points in Spin Web, you can cover up a bigger space for farming.
Make sure to bring yourself additional Clarities and Enchanted Mangoes to restore your mana. Having only Soul Ring will not allow you to use Spawn Spiderlings as often as you want.
The thing you need to realise and understand to dominate games on Broodmother, this hero is not about destroying towers and not about killing heroes. This hero is about getting her levels as quickly as possible. Your goal is to get levels 20 and 25 as fast as you can to learn talents, which will boost your spiders.
Nonetheless, you can easily participate in fights and get some kills with the help of spiders in case the fight happens close to the place you farming at. Not under any circumstances, you should use Town Portal Scroll to help your teammates. Farm, farm and then farm some more, that's all you have to do.
Obviously, in case the enemy team has absolutely no way to kill spiders and defend towers you can try to play more actively. However, in most games, there is likely going to be that one hero, who is going to follow you and waste your time while you are trying to push.
As we have discussed, Broodmother is very dependent on her levels. For this reason, you may ask one of your supports to leave you a Tome of Knowledge at minute 10. The sooner you get to level 20, the faster you are going to finish the game.
Do your best by farming as fast as you can. By the end of the early stage of the game, your goal is to finish Soul Ring, Medalion of Courage and a Hand of Midas.
Mid-stage of the game(12:00-26:00)
As you might guess, the middle stage of the game does not differ from the early stage, as your goal is still to get yourself level 20 and then level 25.
Once you purchase Aghanim's Scepter you can play more active and participate in some fights, but always keep in mind that farming is your highest priority in the game.
Make sure to purchase yourself a Tome of Knowledge at minute 20.
Closer to the end of the middle stage of the game you should finally finish your very desired level 20. The domination will finally begin. Right away you can make a call for your teammates to kill Roshan. If you have a decent amount of Spiders and Solar Crest finished, it will take you close to 10 seconds to kill Roshan by yourself.
With the Aegis of the Immortal advantage, you can move on to win fights and destroy all enemy towers you want.
Dota 2 Hotkey Tips
Start farming in more aggressive spots. Ask your teammates to place an aggressive vision as well.
Late-stage of the game(26:00-99:59+)
If you get to this stage with good conditions, you may do pretty much whatever you want. Best football prediction app 2018 download. Demolish enemy heroes in fights with the help of your Spiders, destroy enemy objectives, kill Roshan, lock your opponents on their base.
Broodmother is very good at split pushing enemy objectives, you should always keep that in mind. With the help of level 20 talent, which boosts the damage of spiders, you can demolish enemy side of barracks in a space of several seconds. So once your team start a fight near the top tier-3 Tower, you can immediately move to the bottom lane and the other way around.
By playing as suggested in our guide you can potentially win the game without making a single kill. Why even bother making kills, if you can destroy the enemy Throne in a space of 5 seconds with the help of Spiders? However, making kills for you will be as easy as destroying tower, so it is for you to decide whether you want to make kills or not.
You still have to follow some key rules. First of all, ask your supports to place an aggressive vision, as you really want to play as offensive as you can. Avoid unnecessary deaths. Brood is a very fast farming hero, which means you will likely have an insane amount of net worth and experience. Every time you die you will lose a huge part of that gold and exp.
As the gameplay part of the guide comes to an end, let's point out some of the key things you need to remember while playing Broodmother.
- Your main goal as Broodmother is to get quickly to levels 20 and 25.
- Kills and towers are not as important as farm. Make sure to farm both lane and jungle effectively.
- Ask your teammates to leave Tome of Knowledges, as once again, it is very important for you to get to desired levels as fast as possible.
- Once you get to level 20 immediately make a call for your teammates to kill Roshan.
- In the late-game, it is not very important for you to make kills. Split pushing strategy is insanely strong, as you can destroy the enemy side of barracks in a space of few seconds.
Common mistakes
4. Legacy
As you can see you can manually select your favorite hotkey setting from the list in DotA 2 options:
If you're not a DotA veteran, I strongly suggest using the 1, 2 or 3 combination. Legacy hotkeys are for people that are so used to hotkeys from W3 DotA that it would be simply too hard for them to convert to any of above combinations.
Now, to the more advanced things:
Most of the people set their hotkeys to their hero spells and inventory, and that's it.
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In my opinion, if you want to play better and waste less time, you SHOULD have hotkeys for:
1. Quickbuy – allows you to buy an item that you 'shift queued' instantly. Insanely useful when waiting for important items like bottle.
2. Purchase sticky – In your settings you can select one item that can be bought after pressing this hotkey. The most useful one is probably tp scroll.
3. Control groups – at least 3
4. Courier, all courier commands – tick 'mirror hero hotkeys' in your settings
5. 'Missing' – message to allies, really useful in pubs
6. Binded camera position hotkeys (rune spots)
7. Scoreboard – for constantly checking enemy levels
8. Shop – no further explanation needed
9. Show names/hero icons on minimap (default alt)
10. Commands: stop, hold position, move
11. Glyph
Other general hotkey rules:
- Have hotkey for EVERY inventory slot. As you progress in skill as a player you'll notice that situations where you have 6 active items in your inventory are really common and not having one of them binded proves to be a serious disadvantage.
- Avoid using alt or ctrl+hotkey for inventory hotkeys, this makes things really hard when trying to play heroes like tinker effectively.
- Start putting items into the same slot every game. That way you'll never have to look at your inventory before casting a tp scroll or magic wand. For me TP is always at G and wand at E.
- Do not put items that require extremely fast reaction on slots that are somehow harder to access and/or require you to change position of your hard before using. Example: blink dagger is way more effective on 'Q' than on 'Space'.
- If you think you have all your hotkeys mastered and there's nothing you can improve on – turn on 'Shop always uses hotkeys' setting on. Memorizing all the shop hotkeys brings your mechanics to a next level, allowing you to do flashy plays like upgrading the courier with 2 button as someone dives to kill it.
- Do NOT be afraid of changing your hotkeys to something more efficient. For example I've always had my hero on '1' and courier on '2'. Then, when i decided to play meepo my control groups could only start from '3'. That made me missmicro a lot by accidentally selecting the courier. I decided to change the hotkey to ' ` ', it took me well over 3 weeks of missclicking and never getting my items delivered but when I learned it, it helped my play immensely. Think of it as of performing a somersault. If you fall on the ground first time doing it, it doesnt mean you shouldn't do this at all. It's just a matter of practice.
When changing hotkeys you know you're gonna fail a lot, but what matters is the final result – you playing faster and more effectively.
For those unfamiliar with camera binding, the commands are:
Top Rune –
// Top Rune
bind 'F4' 'dota_camera_set_lookatpos -2287 1817'
Bottom Rune –
// Bot Rune
bind 'F5' 'dota_camera_set_lookatpos 2990 -2400″
This site may change ' <- this symbol to ″<- this and the command won't work. Make sure you change your quotation marks back to normal before you put these commands into console.
What hotkeys do I use?
I started playing DotA quite a few years ago so I used to use legacy hotkeys. I weren't really comfortable with them on some of the heroes so I installed 'W3 keys' – a program that would allow you to change your hotkeys to any custom combination. I'm not entirely sure why, but I've chosen ZXCV and I'm happy with them.
My hotkeys:
Spells: ZXCV, D and F for additional spells. Autocast modifier: Alt+spell hotkey
Inventory: Q, W, E, G, Space, Mouse4
Quickbuy: F1
Purchase sticky: F2
Take items from stash: F3
Enemy missing: F4
Runespot top: F5
Runespot bot: F6
Select courier: ` [courier actions set to use ZXCVDF too]
Select hero: 1
Control groups: 2, 3, 4, 5
Scoreboard: 6
Shop: N
Commands: Attack move – A, Move – R, Hold position – U, Stop – S
Glyph: L
That's it for today. I hope my post answered at least some of your questions : )
I would also like to thank everyone commenting and reading my guide to solo mid. The amount of positive feedback I received – both from pro and casual players is overwhelming.
Usually, it is quite hard to make the guide interesting. Most heroes are very alike, they don't have any significant differences between one another. Well, today's guide is not like the others.
Today we will talk about Broodmother, the hero, who is very popular among boosters. We will not only describe the special gameplay of this hero but will also talk about some tricks and even game-breaking bugs, which will help you to use this hero to its fullest potential.
This hero has helped me to get very important victories during the latest calibration, even in games against Zai, 33, Qojqva, Insania and Gorgc(id: 5032215245) and almost full Gambit Gaming roster with the addition of Nikobaby(id: 5032289341).
If you follow our guides, you know that the in-game guide is already waiting for you. Subscribe to be able to use it in your games!
Table of contents
Dota 2 Hotkey Setup
Well… here comes the new paragraph. As we make a guide for a hero, who has to control many units, the first thing we need to do is to set up all the necessary hotkeys to control these units easily and effectively.
So, firstly, open the settings and set up hotkeys for the control groups.
Then start the custom lobby, pick Broodmother and create both Spiderlings and Spiderites. Select one or more Spiderlings and press ‘Ctrl' + one of the hotkeys you selected for a control group. Then do the same for Spiderites, but use another control group. That's it. Next time you join the game and pick Broodmother, you will be able to select all the Spiderites or all the Spiderlings by only pressing one of the selected hotkeys.
Why is that necessary? The answer is very simple - HP difference. Many heroes in Dota 2 have AoE spells, this is why when you attack that hero with Spiders, firstly you want to attack him with Spiderlings exclusively, as they will not die because of the amount of their health. Then, once the opponent has used his AoE spell, you can bring Spiderites as well. This logic also works for the creeps in the jungle with AoE spells.
Then move into the advanced settings and set up a hotkey for a ‘Select All Other Units'. It will help you to select all the spiders without selecting your hero.
Early-stage of the game(-1:30-12:00)
Once the game starts, you should move to the middle lane and place two Spin Webs.
In case you are going to lane against a hero, who is considered being one of the counters to Broodmother, then you should place one web to cover your highground and some area behind your Tower and the second one to cover the enemy high ground. In case you are going to lane against a weaker hero, do it the other way around.
The reasoning behind it is very simple. If you lane against a hero, who can deal AoE damage, he will constantly push the lane onto you, so you need that space behind your tower to farm comfortably. If the enemy hero is not able to push the lane, then you need an additional space behind the enemy tower to apply more pressure on this hero.
Place them that way, so you can move between them without losing Spin Web buff.
Once you reach level 2, you should learn Spawn Spiderlings and use this spell as often as you can to create an army of Spiderlings and eventually Spiderites. In case you lane against a hero, who can kill spiders easily, such as Templar Assassin, you need to be very careful to keep Spiderlings alive. Use the Spiderlings to last-hit only when it is safe and your opponent can't kill them.
By the time you reach level 4, you should already have a small army of spiders. Get level 2 Spin Web and use it to create a path to nearest jungle camps. Now is the time you start farming both lane and your jungle.
Same goes for level 6. With 3 points in Spin Web, you can cover up a bigger space for farming.
Make sure to bring yourself additional Clarities and Enchanted Mangoes to restore your mana. Having only Soul Ring will not allow you to use Spawn Spiderlings as often as you want.
The thing you need to realise and understand to dominate games on Broodmother, this hero is not about destroying towers and not about killing heroes. This hero is about getting her levels as quickly as possible. Your goal is to get levels 20 and 25 as fast as you can to learn talents, which will boost your spiders.
Nonetheless, you can easily participate in fights and get some kills with the help of spiders in case the fight happens close to the place you farming at. Not under any circumstances, you should use Town Portal Scroll to help your teammates. Farm, farm and then farm some more, that's all you have to do.
Obviously, in case the enemy team has absolutely no way to kill spiders and defend towers you can try to play more actively. However, in most games, there is likely going to be that one hero, who is going to follow you and waste your time while you are trying to push.
As we have discussed, Broodmother is very dependent on her levels. For this reason, you may ask one of your supports to leave you a Tome of Knowledge at minute 10. The sooner you get to level 20, the faster you are going to finish the game.
Do your best by farming as fast as you can. By the end of the early stage of the game, your goal is to finish Soul Ring, Medalion of Courage and a Hand of Midas.
Mid-stage of the game(12:00-26:00)
As you might guess, the middle stage of the game does not differ from the early stage, as your goal is still to get yourself level 20 and then level 25.
Once you purchase Aghanim's Scepter you can play more active and participate in some fights, but always keep in mind that farming is your highest priority in the game.
Make sure to purchase yourself a Tome of Knowledge at minute 20.
Closer to the end of the middle stage of the game you should finally finish your very desired level 20. The domination will finally begin. Right away you can make a call for your teammates to kill Roshan. If you have a decent amount of Spiders and Solar Crest finished, it will take you close to 10 seconds to kill Roshan by yourself.
With the Aegis of the Immortal advantage, you can move on to win fights and destroy all enemy towers you want.
Dota 2 Hotkey Tips
Start farming in more aggressive spots. Ask your teammates to place an aggressive vision as well.
Late-stage of the game(26:00-99:59+)
If you get to this stage with good conditions, you may do pretty much whatever you want. Best football prediction app 2018 download. Demolish enemy heroes in fights with the help of your Spiders, destroy enemy objectives, kill Roshan, lock your opponents on their base.
Broodmother is very good at split pushing enemy objectives, you should always keep that in mind. With the help of level 20 talent, which boosts the damage of spiders, you can demolish enemy side of barracks in a space of several seconds. So once your team start a fight near the top tier-3 Tower, you can immediately move to the bottom lane and the other way around.
By playing as suggested in our guide you can potentially win the game without making a single kill. Why even bother making kills, if you can destroy the enemy Throne in a space of 5 seconds with the help of Spiders? However, making kills for you will be as easy as destroying tower, so it is for you to decide whether you want to make kills or not.
You still have to follow some key rules. First of all, ask your supports to place an aggressive vision, as you really want to play as offensive as you can. Avoid unnecessary deaths. Brood is a very fast farming hero, which means you will likely have an insane amount of net worth and experience. Every time you die you will lose a huge part of that gold and exp.
As the gameplay part of the guide comes to an end, let's point out some of the key things you need to remember while playing Broodmother.
- Your main goal as Broodmother is to get quickly to levels 20 and 25.
- Kills and towers are not as important as farm. Make sure to farm both lane and jungle effectively.
- Ask your teammates to leave Tome of Knowledges, as once again, it is very important for you to get to desired levels as fast as possible.
- Once you get to level 20 immediately make a call for your teammates to kill Roshan.
- In the late-game, it is not very important for you to make kills. Split pushing strategy is insanely strong, as you can destroy the enemy side of barracks in a space of few seconds.
Common mistakes
- Trying to push the enemy Tower while the enemy team tries to defend it. It is simply not worth your time. If the enemy team wasting a lot of resources to defend the tower, just let them. Meanwhile, you can farm all the jungle camps and get both level and item advantage.
- Participating in fights before you reach needed conditions.It is fine to get a kill or two on supports, who tries to interrupt your farm in your own jungle. However, you should avoid any fights that are happening too far away from your farming locations.
Tips & Tricks
- Improve your skill through watching streams, videos or replays of professional players, who pick this hero.
How many spiders do you think are there? One? Well, you are wrong by a little. Over 30. To stack all the spiders in one position, you need to select all the spiders then use Left Shift and the Right Button on the Mouse. With this simple trick, you can easily kill your opponent by surprise.
3. So at the beginning of the guide, I have talked about the game-breaking bug. Here it is. If you ever played with or against Broodmother, you might have noticed the game is lagging sometimes. Even though many players think the lags are random, they are not. Game lags every time a huge amount of units walk into the vision of the enemy team. So if you have a lot of spiders and walk into the enemy vision, for example, you meet an enemy hero or walk into the vision of the enemy Tower, the game will freeze for a second. Too bad, it also works for the enemy Observer Wards. So anytime you walk into the vision of the enemy ward, the game freezes, which means you have a legit maphack for the wards and can get rid of them easily. Not to mention, you can realise whenever the enemy hero with invisibility is scouting you. It might be insignificant for lower brackets, but this is a game-changing factor in high ranked games.
Allies and counters
Counters to Broodmother are quite obvious. Any hero who can deal with the spiders automatically becomes a good counter pick to Brood. Tiny and Kunkka are likely the worst, as they force Broodmother to abandon the middle lane and lose a tower quite early.
The best allies of Broodmother are heroes with disables. Spiders can deal an enormous amount of damage. All Brood needs is someone to hold enemy heroes in place.
Broodmother is a farm-oriented hero, so you want to avoid picking Brood into greedy line-ups, as there will not be enough farm for you to get on the map.